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疲倦的英文怎么说 疲倦英文例句

2023-07-24 09:37:08来源:有考网



To become weary or spiritless.
疲倦变得疲惫或无精打采a weary sigh, smile
疲倦的叹息﹑ 笑容.Fatigue is a feeling of extreme physical or mental tiredness.
疲劳是感到身体或大脑极度疲倦。Causing physical or mental fatigue;tedious or tiresome.
乏味的使体力或智力疲倦的;乏味的或令人厌倦的Children often get fractious and tearful when tired.
孩子们疲倦时易怒好哭。He felt an enormous tiredness, bracing himself to comfort her.
他感到非常疲倦,但强自打起精神,开始安慰她。Incapable or seemingly incapable of being fatigued;tireless.
不懈怠的不能或看起来不能疲倦的;不知劳累的To affect a wistful or languid air, especially in order to gain sympathy.
表现出惹人爱怜的倦态做出渴望的或疲倦的神态,尤其是为了赢得同情She was tired, tired to the bone.
她疲倦了,彻骨地疲倦了。 Physically or mentally fatigued.

adj. 疲劳的;厌倦的,厌烦的
v. tire的过去式和过去分词

She was tired, tired to the bone.
她疲倦了,彻骨地疲倦了。 Living there is tiring.
住那里很麻烦。rotate TIRES: Another way to promote even tire wear is to rotate tires
轮换车胎:轮换车胎是增强轮胎均匀磨损的又一办法。She is tired of being in the spotlight.
她厌倦到处抛头露面。 They are tired of their raw treatment by their boss.

相关内容: 疲倦的英文怎么说