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症状的英文 症状的英文例句

2023-10-09 16:36:27来源:有考网




The rash symptomatic of scarlet fever
猩红热的皮疹症状Yellowness of the eyes is one of the symptoms of jaundice.
眼睛发黄是黄疸病的症状之一。Many of the symptoms will regress or disappear
许多症状将减轻或消失。gastrointestinal symptoms include flatuence
胃肠道症状包括胃肠气胀。Early renal tumors are asymptomatic
早期肾肿痛没有明显症状。A symptom of rabies is foaming at the mouth.
狂犬病的一个症状就是口吐泡沫。75% of the patients presented with cough and conjunctival injection.
75%的患者有结膜充血及上呼吸道症状。Abdominal swelling or pain and jaundice are the presenting symptoms
腹部胀满或疼痛和黄疸是本病的症状。The disease manifests itself in yellowness of the skin and eyes.
这种病明显症状是皮肤和眼睛发黄。the rash symptomatic of scarlet fever;a rise in unemployment symptomatic of a weakening economy.

n. 症状;征兆

withdrawal symptoms
ph.1. 戒毒过程中产生的病症(诸如盗汗、恶心等等) Look out for symptoms of depression.
留心看有无抑郁症状。 What are the symptoms to look out for?
有哪些症状需要注意?Because symptoms are nonspecific, they are often ignored.
因为症候不止一种病因,所以经常被忽略。a sign; an omen; a portent; an augury; a symptom

相关内容: 症状的英文