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聚餐用英文怎么说 聚餐英文例句

2023-05-12 10:49:57来源:有考网


dine together

They took up a collection for the annual dinner.
他们为年会聚餐募捐。Arrange a dinner to celebrate their anniversary.
筹备庆祝他们周年纪念的聚餐。To take a meal in a military mess.
聚餐在军队的集体用膳食堂吃饭。When they took up a collection for the annual dinner, he promised to pitch in.
当他们为一年一度的聚餐筹款时,他答应捐款。The picnic was held on a very picturesque pier right off the beach.
聚餐的地点是在海滩边一个风景如画的桥墩上。Without demur, they joined the party in my rooms
他们没有推辞就到我的屋里一起聚餐了。Many young Chinese love to eat at the international food chain. Some students even hold their birthday parties there.

v. 进餐;宴请

Will you dine in or out this evening?
今晚你是在家吃饭还是出去吃?We usually dine in.
我们通常在家吃饭。Go to the poolside dining area.
游泳池边的进餐区域。She swept into the dining hall.
她大模大样地走进了食堂。There are five dining halls on our campus.

adv. 在一起;以使接触;关系密切;一致;同时;接连...地
adj. 自信而妥实的

by the hour together
连续几小时|不断地 huddle together
挤作一团 cuddle together
紧贴着身子睡 Their swords clashed together.
他们的剑互击而发铿锵之声。They riveted the steel beams together.

相关内容: 聚餐用英文怎么说
