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避孕套的英语怎么说 参考例句

2023-06-19 16:20:01来源:有考网



a contraceptive sheath
避孕套. We"ll show you how to put a condom on properly.
我们会教你如何正确佩戴避孕套。Manhattan eel
[美俚]曼哈顿鳗鲡,阴茎套,避孕套..for putting a condom on the real thing
.佩戴避孕套的正确技巧The prospect of teachers passing out prophylactics to their pupils has infuriated some parents.
想到老师将分发避孕套给学生使一些家长愤慨不已。Use barrier types of birth control: condoms or a diaphragm.
使用屏障模式的节育方式:避孕套或者子宫帽。Latex and polyurethane condoms do not let STD viruses pass through, so they offer good protection from STDs.
橡胶和聚氨酯避孕套都可以阻断性传播疾病病毒传染,所以可以有效地防止性病传播。 Because I"m a cultural rebel, I couldn"t make a porn film without a dick and a condom.

n. 避孕套,保险套,安全套

Flavourings that can be used with a condom (Not Lubricants)
可与乳胶同时使用之口味(非润滑剂)Open the package carefully, so that you do not tear the condom
仔细打开,以免安全套破损。Use barrier types of birth control: condoms or a diaphragm.
使用屏障模式的节育方式:避孕套或者子宫帽。Dress Your Condom Up For Pleasure ━ Spread some water-based lubricant on the head of the penis before putting on the condom.
使用安全套会更愉悦-戴套前涂抹适量的水溶性润滑剂于龟头。Put On The Condom First - Sex after lasting foreplay will help you forget the condom is even there

相关内容: 避孕套的英语怎么说
