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食堂的英文怎么说 参考例句

2023-08-31 10:41:51来源:有考网



dining hall

The student cafeteria feeds two thousand people a day .
学生食堂一天要为两千人供应饭菜。The tables in the dining hall seated eight each.
食堂餐桌每桌坐8人。She swept into the dining hall.
她大模大样地走进了食堂。Some students even had bread instead of going to the dinning hall.
甚至有的同学用面包代替了食堂的饭菜。The meals of the dinning hall are so dazzling that I don" t know which one to choose.
食堂的饭菜多得令人眼花缭乱,都不知道选什么好了。The food being good in the communal dining-room, I polished off in half a jiffy a large plateful of beef and noodle
公共食堂饭菜好,我一下子就吃了一大盘牛肉炒面。buttery hatch
(食堂的)售货窗口I have my meals in the cafeteria all along.
我一直吃食堂。The dining-room communicate with the kitchen.
食堂与厨房相通。The party will be held in the officers" mess.

n. 进餐
v. dine的现在分词形式

Will you dine in or out this evening?
今晚你是在家吃饭还是出去吃?We usually dine in.
我们通常在家吃饭。Go to the poolside dining area.
游泳池边的进餐区域。She swept into the dining hall.
她大模大样地走进了食堂。There are five dining halls on our campus.

n. 门厅,正门过道;走廊;礼堂,大厅;宿舍楼;大庄园府邸

Behind the Resting Hall is the Hall of Saint"s activities.
寝殿后面是圣迹殿。She introduced the visitors into the hall.
她把参观者引进大厅。The lights were on in the hall and in the bedroom.
门厅和卧室的灯都亮着。What a resplendent and stately hall!
真是金碧辉煌、庄严绚丽的大殿! There are lots of standby passengers in the hall.
在大厅里有很多等退票的旅客 。

相关内容: 食堂的英文怎么说