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2023-08-07 16:51:06来源:有考网


(v) water

He soused water on her head
他往她头上浇水。The heat shriveled the unwatered seedlings.
酷热使得未浇水的秧苗都枯萎了Look at the way she"s watering those seedlings! She fusses over them like a mother hen.
瞧她给那些幼苗浇水的样子!她常常手脚忙乱,大惊小怪。Don"t forget to water flowers.
别忘了给花浇水。 He went out to water the plants.
他出去给植物浇水。A plastic garden hose.
浇水用的塑胶水管The gardener waters his plants in the summer.
园丁夏天给花草浇水。It"s a waste of time to water the garden when it is raining.
下雨天给花园浇水真是浪费时间。The peasants are spraying their vegetable gardens.
农民在给菜园喷灌(浇水)。The flowers scorched as they were not watered for a long time

n. 水;雨水;海水;海域
v. 给…浇水;供以水;加水;流泪;流口水

In smooth water
进入顺境Is the water on or off?
自来水龙头开着还是关着?Water Skiing is a surface water sport.
滑水是一项水面运动。Please fetch some water to water the flowers.
请你去弄点水来浇花。Water will flow from their buckets; their seed will have abundant water.

相关内容: 浇水的英文