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闹钟的英文怎么说 闹钟的英文例句

2023-07-26 15:23:04来源:有考网


alarm clock

Put the alarm clock on for 7 o"clock.
把闹钟拨到七点。The alarm clock rings on the bedside table every morning at 7 o" clock.
每天早晨7点,闹钟在我的床头柜上闹响。I turn off the alarm clock.
我关掉闹钟。He wakened when the alarm sounded.
闹钟铃响时,他醒了。"It is time to get up, the imported alarm clock screamed in Japanese."
"进口的闹钟以日语尖叫""起床了""。"The alarm can even be set to chime every hour of the day.
闹钟可以用来每小时报鸣。The jar of the alarm woke me up.
闹钟的刺耳铃声把我吵醒了。He set the alarm for six o"clock.
他把闹钟调在6点响。Your satellite-enabled alarm clock goes off.
你的由卫星激活的闹钟响了。 Put your alarm clock far away from your bed.

n. 警报器;闹钟;惊慌
v. 向...报警;使惊恐

In case of fire, sound alarm.
如遇火警,请拉响警报。 analogue detection and alarm system
模拟量探测器报警系统<探测器向控制器提供的探测信号为模拟量信号或等值数字量信号 The fire alarmed the whole neighbourhood.
火灾使整个街坊邻里都惊恐起来。The implications of the spread are alarming.
蔓延的影响是令人震惊的。The disease has spread at an alarming rate.

v. 测时间

the works of a clock
钟的活动部件 Put the alarm clock on for 7 o"clock.
把闹钟拨到七点。I usually clock in at 8 o"clock.
我通常8点钟签到。A clock, um, what"s it called, an alarm clock?
一只钟,呃,这叫什么来着,一个闹表?The clock struck ten.

相关内容: 闹钟的英文怎么说