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抄袭用英语怎么说 参考例句

2023-07-17 16:01:52来源:有考网


to plagiarize

The students denied plagiarizing papers.
学生们不承认抄袭试卷。Students charged that cribbing had been going on at the school for years.
"学生们控告说,抄袭现象在这所学校里已持续多年了."He was punished for copying.
他因抄袭而受处分。You have been cribbing from Bennett.
你一直在抄袭贝内特。Knocking off someone else"s ideas.
抄袭别人的构想a self - confessed plagiarist.
自动坦白的抄袭者The author bristled at the suggestion of plagiarism.
那个作家被抄袭的建议激怒了。He is good at cribbing from others" work
他善于抄袭他人的作品He didn"t want anybody to crib the answers from him.
他不希望任何人抄袭他的答案。She was punished for copying during the examination.

v. 剽窃,抄袭

Whole passages of the work are plagiarized.
那作品整段整段都是剽窃的. The students denied plagiarizing papers.
学生们不承认抄袭试卷。 plagiarize; to lift; to purloin; to pirate; to crib rism; piracy
剽窃 He smells out plagiarism with the fury of a witch doctor.
对于抄袭来的文章,他的嗅觉如巫医般敏感,且怒不可遏。He smells out plagiarism with the fury of a witch doctor

相关内容: 抄袭用英语怎么说