发布时间:2022-07-14 15:28:50来源:有考培训网综合
TOEFL,Test of English as a Foreign Language,由美国教育测验服务社( ETS, Educational Testing Service)在全世界举办,是一种针对母语非英语的人进行的英语水平的考试。TOEFL是出国留学(美国、加拿大)的必备考试成绩,美国和加拿大已有超过2400所大学和学院承认这项考试成绩,规定了申请者的较低TOEFL录取分数线。
福州托福培训班哪家好?在哪里?新航道提出并坚持“创新、学术、励志、激情”的教育理念,凭借着深厚的学术功底、务实的教学作风、强劲的研发能力和旺盛的进取精神迅速在行业当中脱颖而出,从教学内容、教材研发、授课质 量、环境服务等多个方面创立了全新的标准,从而引领中国英语培训业全面升级,为广大中国学生创建英语成功之道。
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Grades (marks) encourage students to learn.
Do grades encourage students to learn?
Having a glimpse of the current situation in education around the globe, we may marvel at the large variety of examinations students must take each semester. Apparently,giving grades is considered the most common method to evaluate the performance of a student. The entire teaching system cannot do without it. In a sense, pursuing high grades is indeed an essentialstimulus for students to concentrate on their textbooks. It is admitted that marks really encourage the students to learn, but their importance should not be exaggerated.
Evidently, the grading system urges students to study hard for the "Top One", a sacred position in their eyes. No one wishes to fall behind. Thus, once a competition is started among the classmates, learning efficiency might be enhanced. Those who win will make greater efforts to safeguard their superior results, whereas those who lose in the competition will work harder to erase past mistakes and continue the fight for a better outcome next time. It is due to such a mental state that students gain the initiative to learn.Researchers at China Academy of Social Sciences conducted a survey in 10 key high schools in Shanghai. They drafted a list of questions centering on motives to study hard at school and asked the students to fill out the questionnaire. Among the 2,000 students who wrote out their answers, over half of them mentioned the desire to gain high grades in the National College Entrance Examination.
Grades also help reveal a student's shortcomings in studies. Whenever a new round of assessments is done and the final grades are announced, students will have the opportunity to discover their weak points on some subjects.They may go all out to find the reasons for the loss of marks.After a brief review, it is natural for them to finally notice what has been neglected previously and obtain an objective attitude toward their school performance. Fromthen on, their attention might be focused on those drawbacks indicated in the test. As a common notion suggests, learning from past mistakes helps avoid future ones. If such a function works,progress can be made.
Nevertheless, "high grade, but low ability" has become an undesirable feature in some students. Meanwhile, lowergrades might also lead to the complete loss of confidence in studies. As a result, schools ought to avoid such two extremes. The learning process is a comprehensive one that involves more than obtaining grades and passing examinations. For instance, starting a large variety of programs aimed at broadening the mind and cultivating interests, offering students to take part-time jobs to increase experience, organizing colorful activities, all these enjoyable opportunities to learn may encourage better academic performance and prepare them for future challenges upon entry into the work force.
Consequently, as long as the grading system is managed appropriately at schools, students will always cherish the dream of gaining high marks and thus have the impetus to fight for it. Concerning all the details mentioned above, there is every reason to believe that grades contribute much to stimulating a student's passion for learning.
更多培训课程: 福州托福精讲100分课程 更多学校信息: 福州大学城新航道雅思培训 咨询电话:400-0929-859